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Bringing inside talent out
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Enterprising circles

An innovative project helping unemployed individuals and offenders to:
"excavate buried dreams and create an enterprising future"

Through group work, master classes, presentations and mentoring, it allows for the development of business ideas, creation of sounding board for ideas and ongoing support through a study circle of both peers and "passionate volunteer business mentors".

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Enterprising circles

This project since August 2014, has created both prison and community based enterprise circles and has been organisating a series of master classes to:

• Help individuals recognise their enterprise skills and develop a CAN DO attitude;
• Explore an individuals passion (perhaps a hobby) and link it to personal skills, customer needs ans problems;
• Identify enterprise opportunities and learn how to evaluate them;
• Learn how to present a business idea using cutting edge approaches;
• Develop a business idea, learning to use a range of practical tools for entrepreneurs;
• Explore new funding approaches including Crowd Funding;
• Access ongoing support.

Then contact us for more information.

The Enterprising Circles project has been financed by the European Union and co-financed by the Skills Funding Agency

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